Monday, July 29, 2013

Vacation Bible School

Jesse has been too busy to put together a VBS program this summer (plans are in the works for VBS Summer 2014 at St. Jude) so I enrolled our two oldest in the Vacation Bible School program at our former parish.  This morning was the first day of the VBS week, so I took all three girls with plans to drop off our oldest two for the morning.

I had suggested to Jesse that perhaps he should take the girls because I knew they would have separation issues if I took them.  Unfortunately he had a horrible toothache & had scheduled a dentist appointment, so I had the dreaded task of reminding them I would be back in a few hours & that they should stay & have a good time.  Fifteen minutes of hugs, kisses, tears & reassurances of my prompt return, I walked out of the church, listening to stifled sobs as I left.

Naturally, I felt guilty about leaving them, especially since the program leader wasn't doing much to convince any of the kids that they would have a good time.  And of course, I couldn't stop myself from thinking, "If Jesse & I were running this, we would..."  I guess I'll have some suggestions for next year's VBS planning.  Needless to say, when I picked them up at lunchtime, both girls were very excited about all the things they learned that day.  And I'm sure they will continue to enjoy themselves as the week progresses.  But, if every drop-off is prefaced with an episode like I had today, I think Jesse will be taking them!

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