Friday, January 18, 2013


Welcome!  I've been wanting to write a blog for a while now.  The idea first came to me a couple of years ago but only really took fire in the past few months.  I have searched the Internet for those in similar life situations, but haven't had much success.  So, alas, I will begin my own blogging journey.  I hope at the very least it will provide me with an outlet for my thoughts, emotions, experiences, etc.

So, a little brief summary of my life:  I have been married for five years to my husband, Jesse (insert comments about how adorable it is that we are "Jesse and Jessica" here!).  Jesse is a youth minister and has been quite successful in his endeavors, if I do say so myself.  We have three beautiful daughters, ages 4, 2 & 6 months.  These girls are, without question, the loves of my life.  Motherhood has been the most amazing, rewarding and exhausting journey I have ever been on, but the rewards are constant!  I work full-time but when I'm not working, I spend a lot of time as a married single mom due to Jesse's work schedule.

For some strange reason, when I sum up my life in a short paragraph like that, it all seems so neat & tidy...uncomplicated even.  Perhaps that's how people on the outside might see my life.  There have been some wonderful highs & depressing lows as I've traveled through marriage, motherhood and the work/home balancing routine.  I thank God every day for the wonderful blessings He has given me.  I find myself having an on-going open dialogue with God, which I believe has helped me keep sane when the kids are crazy, Jesse is off working somewhere, dinner is nowhere near ready & I have a major project due at work!

I hope this blog will be helpful not only for me but anyone else who may stumble upon it.  So the sharing of life lessons from a Catholic youth minister's wife!

God bless,